

Picasso drawing with light. He'd used every other medium in his art..why not? I know this concept isn't entirely new, I've seen people do this since I was a kid...but seeing Picasso do it is on another level.



loft in SoHo said...

Amazing shots1
He is one of the greatest artists, I love his paintings, those of the "Blue Period" are wonderful!


boubou said...

Hello ,
First time i come across your blog so i'm gonna visit it now :)
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A bientot;
Boubou xx

Love + Cake said...

I've seen this before, it's SO cool, it's like air graffiti, or something.

Picasso was a very brilliant man. Though, another artist who was misunderstood during his time.

jane st. clair said...

those photos are absolutely incredible. though not nearly as artistic, we did something similar with sparklers for the july 4th holiday!


Raj said...

The whole concept is made like a billionn times cool-er by getting Picasso involved!
Loveee these shotss

What an absolute legend
Beautiful photos