
Friday I'm in Love

I'm posting a video of one of my fave songs from the 80's (The Cure, Friday I'm in Love). I adore everything about this video, the crazy hairspray-drenched 'dos, the playing around with costume-y looks, and the makeup! Its kind of sexy in a very odd way. I may be a bit biased, though since I was born in the same decade. Rad, no?

I've never really been one to be truly inspired by music, I don't consider myself a musical person (unless you count playing clarinet from grade 6 to 9, which I don't, I was terrible). One thing I will admit to is being influenced by a musician's style be it hair, clothing, makeup, whatever. Like my taste in music, my taste in clothes varies so much that it goes from Charlotte Gainsbourg to Daft Punk (below).

Photo credits:
Daft Punk, fotolog.com

Serge & Jane, flickr.com
Ziggy Stardust 1, 5years.com
Ziggy Stardust 2, 5 years.com
Charlotte, painfullyhip.com

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