

I just bought this dress from AA. Ladies, run out and buy this baby right now! I can't usually wear bodycon but this dress is so flattering AND comfy! How many dresses can you say that about?? I have it in 'sea blue', which is the color pictured, but its a little bit navy in person.

Interlock Asymmetrical dress, $58 at AA


Anonymous said...

lovely! it's plain but i love it nonetheless! do you plan on adding some sequins on your new dress?



Damsels said...

very pretty . but i prefer dresses that have a sort ofdifferent shape .bet it looks great on you tho
We Were Damsels

Lauren said...

So beautiful! Great choice.


C.Chico said...

ah! i love it! next time i'm at AA i must try this on

issye margaretha kamal said...

so beautiful . pretty :))

hope we can be friend