
betony vernon

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I love this unusually shaped ring by Betony Vernon. The only issue I would have with it is the lack of hand mobility.

UPDATE: Its actually a petting ring..used for um, guy pleasure? Haha god I am so naive sometimes. Whatevs I still like it. See more pics here.


mia said...

uau, superb, amazing, genial!

Carmo said...

Amazing!but to strange for daily life..you couldn't grab anything with that hand!



wow, never seen anything like it!


Closet Cravings said...

That is a really unusual ring. It's neat but I think it would be annoying to wear. Can you imagine trying to type? =)

MrJeffery said...

That is a crazy design!

Liv said...

That ring looks amazing, like molten metal... but I know I'd last about 5 minutes before going crazy and yanking it off.


Annalicia Montgomery said...

it's perfect for editorials but probably hella annoying in real life! awesome idea though! xx

Daisy said...

Fantastic ! I like it lots!

Unknown said...

Wowee! What a design...but what would happen if you tried to flip the bird while wearing this? You'd be giving the '3 fingered claw' instead...honestly, try it now!

Katrina said...

It's definitly something new, and fresh, but i'm not sure if i would wear something like that!:)

great, amazing blog!


Peanut Leigh said...

oo this is really cool! but your right about the hand mobility issue haha

{uninhibited fashion}

Ripped Jeans said...

I LOVE IT though!!! and there must be someway you can move it lol

WC said...

i love that! just use your other hand to do stuff :)

Girl Next Blog said...

So cool - I had never seen a ring like this!


Valencia Lia said...

This is indeed a gorgeous ring!

But yea,how do your move your fingers properly then ? heee

candycane said...

it's called the petting ring.....it's used to jack off.

Fasshionxenophile said...

hahahaah... ... maybe you can still hold an apple??? :P

I Get a Fever said...

Ha! That is hilarious! I wouldn't have known, either - after all, we're obsessed with fashion, right (as opposed to fetish tools)! No matter what it's used for, it's still super lovely...
