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I have six tats (so far). I think I'll want another one soon.



M said...

Nice! They're definitely not for me, but I enjoy admiring them on other people.

Daisy said...

I love them.. I dont have any...yet but I think they are just fab!

Leanne said...

Really? What are they?

MC's Closet said...

love the girls hair in the sixth picture!


Is This Real Life? said...

these are such great pictures, i love the quotation marks, so pretty!


The quotation marks are pretty interesting.


Melinda said...

oh, thanks to you, now a fan from tattos, haha :D i want one, but i don't know where and what.

gi. said...

wiii-lddd! love it!


Ashley said...

Leanne:) - A 'T' on my left inner arm (for my bro, Taylor)
-My parents' anniversary in roman numerals on my inner right wrist
-My family's motto- "Virtus semper viret" on my left outer ribcage
-an infinity symbol on the nape of my neck
-the Chinese character for "tranquility" above my right shoulder blade
-the Aquarius symbol on my right outer ankle

mimi sioux said...

oh i love tats..
have a couple too and am now planning another couple. how exciting!
really like the idea of your 'T' for your bro.

Unknown said...

Got just the one so far...intend to go full sleeve....so hard to filter what I want!

Ripped Jeans said...

ahhhh! i love tats i'm getting the female symbol on my hand somewhere and a cross on my middle finger. and my bf has 10 and there so sexy!!!

Fashion Wh0re said...

Love These Tats The quotation marks one is pretty but my fave is the one with the girl with her whole arm down i think thats pretty cool..I Only Have 1 Tat so far

M&E said...

we've done a similar post about tattoo... they're amazing...we absolutely love neck's tattoo!!


Rubie said...

J'adore le tatouage avc le love de robert indianna!