
on the road

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Stunning vistas of the Peruvian highlands, amazing clothes and Bruna Tenorio. This makes me want to travel more than ever.

Bruna Tenorio by Jacques Dequeker for Vogue Brazil June 2010



natali said...

anazing pictures...:)
your welcome to come in to my blog-a 13 years old girl fashoin blog

by Sutton said...

WOW ~ this spread is amazing. i am so glad you shared this!!

ps ~ check out my missoni give-a-way! http://bit.ly/9CPLy0

Lola Re said...

nice! i love her makeup Lola Re

Agustina said...

amazing photos

Anonymous said...

simply stunning.



Karoline said...

The clothes are fantastic!

The Girl With a Feather said...

I love this! The clothes are amazing and completely wearable! Thanks for posting